Saturday, May 8, 2010

Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and VMware Player 3.0.1

After three days it's pretty clear these two don't really play well together. Interestingly I'm having the same kinds of problems as I had a while back with VMware Workstation 6.5.3 and Fedora 9: the mouse and keyboard freeze without warning, ssh from other machines is blocked and there is no alternative but a reset. I read somewhere that 10.04 has done away with HAL and I have a sneaking suspicion that Fedora did the same with Core 9. Perhaps that's the issue...

Who knows. I don't have time to look into it. If I was a good citizen I might soldier on and submit bug reports but since I have already wasted far too long recovering from the mess the crash during the 10.04 install made of my RAID array, I'm not feeling all that charitable. So everything is being backed up (twice) and I'm going back to 9.10 which has worked well for six months. Perhaps in year when the bugs are worked out I'll give 10.04 another try but frankly I'm loosing my appetite for the latest if this amount of faffing around is the cost.

This of course is the side of the open source development model that commercial software companies stress though I had studiously turned a blind eye to. There is no direct accountability for poorly written products, and so what one gains with hundreds or thousands of beta testers, one looses in a lack of discipline, control and accountability. Swings and roundabouts, and there is no free lunch.

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