VMware now player works fairly seamlessly; the new release upgrade process is only mildly irritating in the Linux guests, and my Logitech webcam still crashes the whole stack (strictly thi is a VMware problem which was fixed in Player R4.0.1 but I prefer R3.1.5 for its window management at start and suspend). But, in return I get a phenomenally stable system, the Logitech issue aside, that hasn't crashed that I can remember in well over two years. Were I not addicted to Excel I'd not use any other OS (and that includes replacing OS X Lion with Ubuntu on my Macbook when I get time).
Today, and this is what prompted the posting, I found another hidden gem. This screen shot shows my desktop spanning two monitors. There is a task bar on both; each has a window list; but, and this is the neat part, the window list is not the same on the two sides, but reflects the windows open on that monitor. And when you drag a window from one monitor to another, the window lists reflect that change. This might not seem a big deal, but try doing that in Windows.
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