Sunday, August 25, 2019

Any way the wind blows

An august panel of talking heads on one of this mornings Sunday political talk shows spent thirty minutes trying to divine what Donald Trump really believes. After 4 years it's a complete mystery to me why they bother; do they not yet understand that he has no beliefs? Only a tiny set of talking points that he thinks will ingratiate him with whoever he's most recently been threatened by. He is governed by insecurity and opportunism. He is for gun control when he thinks that saying so will score him points. Then he's against it when Wayne La Pierre tells him it will lose him brownie points. He's buy buying Greenland, then it was only a joke, but he won't go to Denmark because he's offended that the Danish Prime Minister was "nasty" to him for calling the idea absurd; this from the man who claims, literally, he is "the chosen one".

In anyone else, this is the kind of behavior that would at best elicit pitying condescension, but might well end up with his being committed to an institution. And yet, because of his power, the media (and the Democrats) react with horror to every one of his ludicrous utterances. It's time to stop taking him seriously; he has no convictions. His guiding principle is his own aggrandizement and enrichment. Unlike the politically engaged, mainly on the left, who are at once appalled and captivated by this carnival freak show, the vast majority of the America public are blissfully inured to his behavior.  The markets are up: hurrah. They are down 800 points who cares - we don't own any mutual funds or shares. The deficit will top $1T: my pay check is still the same. We need to stop hanging on his every tweet and focus on what he does. He is a feather in the wind; and following every zig and zag will only make us tired and nauseous.

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