Sunday, December 3, 2017

Tax reform

Republicans say that cutting corporation tax will boost growth sufficiently that the growth profits will generate a net increase in tax revenue. Non-partisan economic analysis says this is almost certainly not going to happen.

Republicans also claim that cutting corporation tax will lead to higher wages and more jobs. There is no historical evidence to support this; in the current climate, corporations are more likely to use the money pay higher dividends or buy back shares.

Unfortunately in our post-truth anti-intellectual anti-expert world, assertions made by people who have little or no expertise or training are treated as equally valid as predictions made by people who have ("fair and balanced", "on the one hand, on the other hand").

Experts don't always get it right; but on balance, they probably to a better job than the utterly clueless who rely on dogma and articles of faith. One commentator noted today that this isn't a tax bill but a political hit list.

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