Sunday, August 2, 2020

A new world order

The first two decades of the 21st century has seen a marked shift in the old century's world order. Russian belligerence has risen, authoritarianism has resurfaced in Eastern Europe, putting stress on the EU, compounded by Britain's departure. And then there is China's rise. As its economic power grew so did its influence, and outward expression of self-confidence.

Almost 200 years after James Monroe articulate what has become the Monroe Doctrine, China is embarking on a similar policy, driving out U.S. influence (what it see as interference) in its back yard. It is shaping a new world order.

Two things are accelerating that process. The first is Donald Trump, directly. He has helped China in two ways; first his abandoning of allies has weakened any collective response to China's newfound assertiveness. Second, by underestimating Xi's political and negotiating skills, not to mention his ability to outlast Trump, and by overestimating his own, he has provided China with a strategic opportunity which has used that to extend its influence globally. Already playing a long game, China has exploited the vacuum created by Trump's unwillingness and inability to play a role on the world stage.

The second is covid-19; America's botched handling of the crisis has further damaged the U.S.' reputation, and in particular highlighted many of the weaknesses of its model of democratic government, not to mention is values.  And much of that again can be laid squarely on Trump's ignorance, incompetence, and lack of seriousness in his approach to his job.

The 21st century will be a have different world order; and Trump's tenure will have a lot to do with how much diminished America's role in that order will be.

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