Monday, December 14, 2020

Election deniers

Commentators have been asking when will the GOP wise up and admit that there was no significant voter fraud in the 2020 election. The answer is never. 

The question is predicated on the false premise that the GOP was ever interested in the truth; that's why that fact that the courts have thrown out all but one of their fifty fanciful but fact-free law suits has not made any difference to their peddling of this plainly false narrative. The GOP's objective was always a political one, not a legal (or a truth-seeking) one. 

The GOP's strategy is not to "get to the bottom of this" but rather to sow enough doubt so as to provide political cover when it continues to play the role of Grand Obstructionist Party, as it did for the last six years of Obama's presidency. Then it was the birthirism nonsense that it used to undermine Obama's legitimacy and justify in their voters' minds their obstructionist strategy; but that doesn't work for Biden (because he's white and because he comes across as less erudite than Obama, both of which undermine the right's implicitly racist and anti-intellectual narrative). 

So they are looking for another ploy and they have found it in the election fraud tomfoolery. While it's conception was Trump's habitual stance of not playing by the rules if they inconvenienced him, it makes a perfect substitute for birtherism as a vehicle to question Biden's legitimacy. Some have suggested that the GOP are only pretending to be election deniers because they are afraid of Trump's ire and being "primaried" by a Trump lackey when they are next up for reelection. While this may be a factor, the political utility of election denial remains whether Trump continues to play a role in politics or not1.    

And if anyone thinks this will finally be settled when the Electoral College votes today, or when Congress confirms the Electoral College votes, or when Biden is sworn in, think again. Remember "Benghazi", or Hillary's emails; they kept that nonsense going for years, long after the facts were clear that, while unfortunate, these were fundamentally non-issues.  

That's the beauty of conspiracy theories; they live on because they are inherently fascinating to their believers even when there is a complete lack of evidence; just like Area-52, Roswell, Hilary's child sex ring, vaccines causing autism, global warning is a progressive hoax, windmills cause cancer, high marginal taxes depress GDP, 5G causes covid...   

1 Which he will, not because he wants the job - he clearly hates it as to do it well requires intelligence, engagement and hard work, none of which are in his wheelhouse - but because he can't bear to be thought of has a "loser".

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