Thursday, July 29, 2021

Fair and Balanced - who needs it?

"Fair and Balanced" is Fox "News" slogan. It's a little ironic because that's precisely what it isn't; but maybe Fox thinks that by calling their brand of distorted-realty conspiracy-theory-filled hate mongering is "Fair and Balanced" often enough, some of their viewers may even half believe it?  But that's not my beef here. 

Today I'm at my wits end with The News Hour. First Judy Woodruff, who I believe produces the show as well as presenting it, aired Kevin McCarthy spewing is usual ridiculous nonsense, about no evidence for this and infringement of freedom there.  We know his shtick now so we don't need to hear it again; in Nancy Pelosi's words he's a complete moron. But she didn't air much of Biden's speech (or any of it now that I think about it). We heard more from the mouths of habitual liars than from the President. How crazy is that? 

Ms. Woodruff, I understand you're trying to put "fair and balance" into practice instead of using it as a slogan, but frankly if one "side" is sensible science based policy and the other is wacky pot stirring and hate-filled garbage, you really don't need to be "balanced".  As Maggie Thatcher said of the IRA many years ago, they need to be deprived of the oxygen of publicity.  If you are going to report GOP nonsense, just foot-note it; mention that some nut-ball said more stupid stuff (don't air them saying it) and move on. The only people who might accuse you of being unfair are the dildos at Fox and they'd say that wherever you do; so screw them. Just report the facts and leave all the nonsense for the brain dead Fox viewers.  

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