Thursday, January 6, 2022

The Capitol Insurrection: one year on

Today, a year on from the Capitol Insurrection it is worth reminding ourselves of the horror of a violent mob trying to change the outcomes of a free and fair election. 

The image of the Senate chamber being defended from rioters by plain clothed Capitol police with drawn weapons remains the most jarring image I can remember, not just from among those of the events of Jan 6th but ranking along side the images of the collapse of the Twin Towers. Both events signify the exposing of grave misconceptions; that the American homeland is invulnerable and that American democracy is safe, sacrosanct and a model for other countries.    

Looking back at my post on January 6th last year, the only thing that I think I got wrong was suggesting "we should be immensely thankful that it was just an episode". While the next election result the Republicans don't like may not lead to the storming of the Capitols (state or federal), the ground is being steadily prepared to make that unnecessary by the politicization of the institutions that oversee elections and gerrymandering. But while it may not be needed, the threat of highly organized right wing violence it still there and by all accounts is growing.

While the left is not blameless in terms of political violence, it lacks the discipline and organization of the heavily ex-military-infused far right. Compounding that asymmetry is that distinct possibility that  some in law enforcement may be more willing to make the law as they see fit rather than enforcing the laws that politicians with whom they disagree have enacted. But that is the subject of a separate post. 

For now we need simply to remember the horror of January 6th.   



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