Wednesday, October 21, 2020

The politics of pandering (with money)

Trump's lame last ditch effort to close the gap to Biden was laughable. It comprised promises that he certainly will not be able to keep. Whether it's drug rebate cards for seniors or another promise of a beautiful health care plan (it's not actually plan but a vague wish un-tethered to reality) none of Trump's vacuous promises will (or should, if you've been paying attention) make any difference.

But the another round of stimulus spending might. That's why there is such a struggle over it in Congress. Pelosi tried to get the ball rolling in the summer, passing the HEROS act but McConnell has refused to take it up i the Senate. Why?  

Early on it was probably that he was concerned about the deficit hawks in the GOP who disapproved of the size of the package. But now he probably wants to use it as a lever to persuade undecided voters to reelect him and the GOP to the Senate with the promise that he will pass it if reelected. He looses that leverage were he to get it passed before the election.  

Ironically Pelosi may be making the same cynical calculation; and on top of that she may be reluctant to do anything that Trump might claim as a win (and testament to his supernatural negotiating skills) before the election. In the end it's those American who need assistance who are the looses in this high stakes game of political brinkmanship.

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