Everything to date has been "spinnable": Russian meddling in the 2016 election, "very fine people; on both sides" at Charlottesville; "I'm not a racist, I have black friends", the economy is all his doing [it's not], holding up aid to Ukraine for dirt on Joe Biden, deals with China on IP theft [there isn't one], with the DPRK on nukes [nothing there either], peace in the middle east; there's always a spin he (or Kayleigh MacNinny) can pull out of his kiester.
But as the polls seem to suggest, covid-19 is different. There's no spinning rising infection rates, over-run hospitals and a mounting death toll. The pandemic has exploded the myth of "the competent business manager" who can fix Washington. The curtain has been drawn back to reveal a cheap huckster in an expensive suit. His ability to fool everyone all of the time has run its course and reality has, finally, caught up with him.
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