Sunday, July 5, 2020

The "cancel culture" lie

As catchy as "cancel culture" might sound to Trump's base; it is, unsurprisingly, in essence just  another lie, a catchy term concocted by Fox to stir up the base.

Those asking for monuments glorifying historical figures who were either directly involved in slavery or supporters of it to be taken down are not "cancelling" anything. The movement is advocating exactly the opposite; it is seeking the reinstatement of parts of America's history that the descendants of the perpetrators of slavery had previously expunged.

They are asking that the history, written by those who prefer that the sins of their ancestors be forgotten, either because they don't care or because it makes them uncomfortable, be corrected to reflect things that had been intentionally omitted. That has nothing to do with "cancelling culture"; it's called setting the record straight.

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