Bolton's statement today that he will testify before the Senate, if subpoenaed, is surprising. It's hard to see what his motivation for making this announcement is other than wanting to throw Trump under the bus. But, given their disagreements, and the way he was let go, and what has just happened in Iraq, that might well be what he plans to do, if called.

His decision might be a longer term play to distance himself from Trump without helping to embarrass him in order to ensure his political future with the GOP. For this he'd need to be relatively sure that he won't be subpoenaed. McConnell clearly doesn't want to call him to testify, but here his fate lies in the hands of the tiny number of Senators up for reelection in more moderate states.
What might be interesting is if Nancy Pelosi were to have the House Judiciary or Intelligence committees subpoena him, and offer to add his testimony to the evidence to be presented as part of the articles of impeachment. She might even have Judiciary and the House amend the articles themselves. Bolton would then be in an awkward position of having to decide whether to honor a House subpoena, having already said he honor one from the Senate since to refuse would expose his offer today as a ruse. That would certainly hurt any political ambitions he might be harbouring.
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